Jeanette Martone 

Awareness of the common linkage found in our humanity, the fragility of our cultures, and the vulnerability of those living the barest existence, teetering on the edge of life, inspires the foundation of my work. Since 1994 I have traveled to the developing world to participate in volunteer projects assisting the poor. Experiences there have contributed to the evolution of my work. As I depict my subjects, they are captured in a moment of time, revealing their inner grace and the beauty that can be found in the infinite details of their environment; the sun cracked earth, the drape of tired fabric,and the detritus of struggle.
By limiting color, and emphasizing texture in my drawings, attention is focused on the essential elements of the subject. Complex images are formed that are reminiscent of the protoplasmic origins of life we share. The simplicity and purity of pencil and paper lend an immediacy and intimacy to the work. By creating an interconnectedness between the subject and viewer, it opens up unfamiliar emotions, introspective questioning, and the search for answers.